James W. Hicks, M.D.

Posts Tagged ‘marriage’

"I Want to Marry and Have Kids"

In Myths on October 5, 2010 at 2:38 am

Recently it has become possible for men and women to marry someone of the same sex and easier to raise children together, though many barriers remain, depending on the location. But the traditional view of marriage and child-rearing involves a man and a woman, and many people do not want to give up that option.

If you have the capacity to enjoy a sexual relationship with both women and men, you might prefer to stay on the more straight-forward road to your domestic goals. If you declare yourself bisexual, you may be viewed by potential future partners as deviant, unreliable in your commitment, and possibly gay. Potential spouses might not consider your flexible sexuality a strong basis for a life-long relationship. Even you might worry about how you would explain your bisexuality to your children (though hopefully such concerns will seem silly a generation from now).

On the other hand, you may not want to spend your life building a family with someone who is hostile to your experiences and interests, and from whom you have to keep secrets.

Desi Marriage

In Cultures on July 21, 2010 at 8:32 pm

A Uniquely Indian Perspective On Gay Marriage
by Sandip Roy
July 21, 2010

A commentary about Indian parents who bless their children’s decisions to get married, and perhaps have children, with someone of the same sex. New laws make it possible to satisfy old values.

This month also marks the one-year anniversary of the New Delhi High Court’s decision striking down the prosecution of homosexuals.

Same-Sex Marriage

In Announcements on July 16, 2010 at 9:23 am

Argentina has just joined Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, and Canada in allowing men and women to marry the male or female partner of their choice.

Mexico City, the District of Columbia, and 5 of the United States also permit same-sex marriage.

A federal judge in the US has just ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional in restricting the rights of same-sex couples married in any of the states. The case is likely to be appealed.

Same sex marriage is not just about gay rights but about the rights of all men and women to built their life with a partner of their choice, regardless of gender.