James W. Hicks, M.D.

Take the Test

Ever wonder if you are straight, gay, bi, or something else? The Flexuality Test assesses your attitudes, feelings, experiences, and desires. Your answers will be automatically analyzed to generate a sexual profile, with reference to a dozen sexual types.

The entire process is anonymous. Be sure to print your results at the end of the test if you wish to save them. I hope you will also submit your e-mail address, in the event I develop a new test or product that might interest you. I will not share your e-mail with anyone.

Take the FLEXUALITY TEST now! 

Submit your comments or e-mail address now! 

Many of the sexual types overlap, so your profile may include traits from one or more types. These are not professionally accepted or “diagnostic” terms. I have had to invent or redefine many of them, because the concepts which they describe have not been categorized in this way before. They are derived from a thorough review of the literature, but they are intended to be helpful rather than definitive. Click the terms for more details.

  1. Heteroflexible: You are open to fooling around with someone of the same sex, even though you generally consider yourself straight. Also known as bi-curious, questioning, experimenting, or mostly straight.
  2. Supersexual: You have a strong drive and are interested in finding new ways to express yourself sexually. You probably prefer the opposite sex, but gender is less important than opportunity.
  3. Ambisexual: You are attracted to both men and women, though not necessarily in the same ways or to the same degree. Also known as classic bisexual, AC-DC, 50-50, or a Kinsey 3.
  4. Flexamorous: You have the capacity to have romantic relationships with both men and women. Your tastes and experience may be fluid and not determined by the gender of your partner.
  5. Gay or Lesbian: You have a strong preference for members of the same sex. You have probably had experiences with the opposite sex as well, but your same-sex desires are strong enough that you would not want to live as straight. Also known as homosexual.
  6. Queer: You are frustrated with the divide between gay and straight, and suspicious of divisions between male and female. You may consider yourself post-gay and beyond labels. You may also call yourself homoflexible, to reflect your gay preferences and openness to other relationships.
  7. Metamorphic: You feel different from the gender of your birth, either in your life as a whole or only in the realm of sex. There are several different metamorphic types; also known as androgynous, cross-dresser, transgender, transvestite, transvestic fetish, or transsexual.
  8. Transitioning: Your sense of sexual orientation is changing or evolving. Commonly known as coming out of the closet, in the case of same-sex interests; you may transition in other directions.
  9. Restrained: Your desires are at odds with your view of yourself and your relationship to your family and society. Also known as closet case or on the down-low.
  10. Versatile: You are willing and able to have sex with others for whom you do not feel much desire or love, usually because you derive some other benefit from the relationship. Also known as gay-for-pay or sugarbaby.
  11. Macho: You are willing to have sex with someone of the same sex, so long as you are the active or insertive partner. Your partner may be gay, but you consider yourself straight (in the more typical male case), a “top,” or (in the case of women) butch.
  12. Straight: You lack sexual and romantic feelings for members of the same sex, and any same-sex experiences have confirmed your lack of interest. Also known as heterosexual.

Here’s a graph showing the actual sexual types of the approximately 8,000 men and women who have taken the test, by percentage and broken down according to whether the subject self-identified as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual:

Please keep in mind that there is nothing magical about this test. The resulting profile is based entirely on the answers you give and is intended to provide a framework to help you think about your sexual orientation. It cannot reveal sexual tendencies of which you are unaware. If the profile seems inaccurate to you, trust your judgment; the test cannot uncover something you have kept secret from yourself.

If you have any questions about your profile, feel free to write me at flexuality@hotmail.com.

  1. I see some refinements that you can make. Some of your terms are re-names of concepts already in existence in the sex communities, some of your concepts could use some further thought.

    1) In your “gay or lesbian” profile description, you say; “You have probably had experiences with the opposite sex as well, but your same-sex desires are strong enough that you would not want to live as straight.”

    I find that assumption problematic. The primary reason most GL folk have had opposite sex experiences is because of the overwhelming heteronormative world we live in, not because they were acting on their druthers. In the interests of fairness, we should not consider past history as pertaining to sexual identity for many GL folk– plus, some in the younger generations have had a chance to grow up completely in tune with their sexual preference and have never been pressured into having het sex.

    You are using “Homoflexible” as a synonym for “Queer.” I’d like to suggest that, identical to “heteroflexible,” Homoflexible people are folk who are really truly gay, but will mess around with a member of the opposite sex once in a very rare while.

    2) There is a difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. Although I am what you call “metamorphic” (what we who are such call “genderqueer”) that should not be confused with my sexual preferences. As a human being, I feel I was born female, but should have a penis. As a sexual being, I identify as “Bisexual, poly, top dyke.” (“Top” being equivalent to your “Macho,” and an extremely common word all over the sexual continuum.)

    In fact, you have dumped some false tells into your “Metamorphic” category, confusing a sense of incorrect gender with the way one expresses that– transvestitism is a behaviorwhich can stem from several different motivators, from simple sensual preference to fetish, to an actual expression of gender disphoria ..some of these motives are antithetical to others, regardless of the similarity of the outcome.

    On the other hand you divide promiscuous behavior into two motivations; what you call “supersexual,” and “versatile” (“gay for pay,” really? The term I think of is “whore.”).

    Also– very important– you have completly overlooked a very important category, “Ace” or asexual.

    Keep working on this though, you have the seed of something with potential!

    • Hey Stella, thanks for all of the thoughtful feedback. Of course many of your points are well-taken. I wanted to create an even dozen categories, and inevitably there are issues about where to lump and where to split. Personally, I don’t believe that any of these categories have any permanent reality. They are just sketches of how sexual orientation manifests itself in our time and culture, and many people would not fall neatly into one or the other. My hope is that these dozen categories provide more working terms for people to play with and learn from, compared to the reigning gay-bi-straight paradigm.

      For your comments on metamorphic, see the metamorphic post, where I’ve responded.

      Regarding versatile, I certainly do not mean to convey a negative judgment about anyone who has what I call versatile traits, nor am I suggesting those traits are confined to people who exchange sex for money. “Whore” is not a term I find helpful.

      You are right to point out the omission of asexual, which I regret, but my original focus was on identifying categories and traits that might lead men and women to have non-heterosexual feelings and behaviors. It would be a much broader project to try to capture all elements of sexuality (fetishes, preferred partner ages, etc.).

      • I think pansexual should be added in here. It is vastly different from bisexual or ambisexual, as rather than just man or woman, you are attracted to ALL genders.

  2. This is definitely very intriguing; however, I couldn’t help but notice the lack of an “asexual” category. I have a friend who is very clearly asexual, and I’ve learned that the category encompasses a deeper and wider range of emotion and romantic feeling than might normally be thought.

    • Several people have made a similar suggestion, and I agree the asexual is a category of interest. But these are just categories that relate to the spectrum of same and opposite sex attraction. In other words, they all relate to degrees of bisexuality. They are not intended to capture all aspects of human sexuality, including fetishes, age preferences, and other dimensions.

  3. I have taken this test twice, the second time with the more in depth questions regarding areas of sexuality. The first time the test had me considerably off from what I know is my homosexuality. The second time, with the more nuanced questions and response possibilities, the test pretty much nailed me exactly, i.e., as Gay.

    I have no doubt that this test can be worked on and made even more advanced — Stella above has offered several intriguing avenues of pursuit — but I’d like to offer a genuine thanks to Dr. Hicks for all of his work. This is an important area of study and Dr. Hicks, through his Flexuality, is providing groundbreaking scholarship.

    Thanks much!


  4. Hmmm… Intriguing, but I’m not so sure about the validity. At 54 years of age, I’m rather confirmed in my sexuality and have been comfortable with it for year. It’s really quite simple. I prefer a heterosexual lifestyle, but have enjoyed sex with men. I don’t see myself ever wanting to live with a man as a partner and I don’t think I could feel romantic love for a man.

    My main concern is that you are making matters worse by creating even more pigeonholes and labels. These need to go away. What’s wrong with just being sexual? I have always felt that those who insist that they are 100% straight or 100% gay are really sexually maladjusted.

    Also, sex has nothing to do with love and I’ve never understood why western people have insisted on combining the two since the middle ages.

  5. This is interesting, but I’d like to note that asexuals (yes, I do realize two other people mentioned them) sometimes do experience romantic, yet non-sexual, attraction to males, females, or both (as well as non-binary people) and thus could have provided further diversity to the test without going off on an unrelated tangent (as romantic relationships are included here as well as sexual.)

    • You make a good point. I think it’s also fair to say that minority experiences often provide clues to better understanding majority phenomena.

  6. I feel as if I knew what my answer was going to be, it turned out I was eerily right. Some questions were confusing, as in they could be thought in either way. I remember one that went along the lines of “being interested in new ways” but that could be perceived as being with that same or oppo. partner so I felt that maybe many people who truly are adventurous have held out in fear of saying something other than what they meant.
    Also some questions were obvious but then I thought about them too much and it seemed like there was a hidden meaning like “similarly attracted to men and women” hmm. I still don’t fully understand what it means but I dumbed it down to what i felt was ‘attracted to both men and women” rather than what I would normally think (he’s hot-sexual and oh I wish I had her butt-jealousy).
    And “flexible in sexual tastes”… omg does that mean I like changing the routine up or changing my partner or the gender all together?! And feeling ashamed of sexual desires. I know for myself and others that sometimes it’s not a hidden meaning (aka politician who likes same sex but won’t admit) because sometimes it’s you being extremely… sexual lol or you desiring someone who’s not avaliable (your ex’s bestfriend or your bf’s brother or a stranger!)
    Last comment for bashing on questions, “refraining from true sexual desires”. Do you know that sometimes you just gotta contain that wild animal inside lol! Just because your feeling hot and bothered at a very inconvenient time doesn’t mean your refraining from pouncing on that same gender person because you feel you shouldn’t. I’ve always been the type of person who sees too much into things, and the perfectionist in me demands details. Oh by the way on the subject of details!
    I feel as if there is simply nothing to you if you’re straight! lmao I got 9 for the blue chart in straight 0 for everything else. For the yellows I was at 0 for everything! I felt slightly boring, think of plain old traditional granny (missionary) sex. So I decided the test MUST be wrong, I can’t have 0 for all yellows, I read all the descriptions and alas. I’m a boring person. One of these days I’m going to demand something be created for straights.
    I’m not against the GL community, I’m not religious, nature let’s animals have fun with the same gender so why shouldn’t humans? We all know dogs, horses, cattle, lions, cats, chicken, penguins, frogs, fish, bugs etc can display homosexual behavior. So for those to say a man/m or woman/w or man/m/w or woman/w/m etc etc etc is not natural take a good look outside! I’m out there rolling my eyes at your stupidity, you moron. GL are great people, actually there more normal than some average people… I have never seen the big deal in being straight or otherwise and I’ve never thought it to be my business to tell anyone who they should or should not be.
    Wow. This is turning into a rant. My main point is, it was kind of disappointing to see I’m straight and that’s it. It’s like hearing the fat lady sing! Let’s be fair to the straights, we’re not all the same. Take it for me, I’m pretty crazy. There should more details referring to the hetros, not just oh your 9 out of 10 straight and 0 for everything else, goodbye. Really?

  7. I was really irritated with some of the questions on this test. Particularly the one that asks us to rate the pleasure we have experienced from men and from women, on a spectrum between “Men Only” and “Women Only”, with no option for “No one ever”. That’s like having a yes or no question “Have you ever beaten your wife?” with no option for “I have never beaten my wife” or “I am single”. It is a loaded question, and misleading.

    Additionally, the “Do you consider yourself a top” question is also loaded, because saying no implies that you are a bottom, as opposed to neither.

    I dislike the use of loaded questions in any quiz, but using them in any quiz of a sexual nature is just downright dirty and mean.

    • Thanks for the feedback. This test is more about varieties of sexual interest rather than the absence of sexual interest. Others have also pointed out that they feel the questions don’t apply to their asexual orientation. I disagree with your interpretation about the question about being a “top.”

  8. Hi, (I’m a male) your test showed that I am ambisexual, not sure if this totally makes clear scenes to me as it didn’t ask specific questions about what does arouse me. I don’t have sex with men and could never see me doing that, and the only way I can have sex with a women is to bridge the gap that arouses me. What arouses me is the passion I have for the males socked foot. I truly love it when a male places his socked feet in my face. I enjoy the feel and smell of it. I have had to pleasure of having my privates rubbed by a mans socked foot and have ejaculated over the sensation of it, but not all men are wiling to go this distance, mainly str8 males, gay males will, but in turn they are wanting to be pleasured as well in their capacity, which I cannot provide as I have no desire. Apart from the wonderful experience of the feel and smell of a mans sock In my face , and bridging the gap of imagining I am smelling a mans sock to have intercourse with a women which now hasn’t happened in 15 years due to my undesired to have sex with a women, leaves me to wonder who or what I really am. As far as having the opportunity to smell a mans socked feet, well this as well has been a monumental hurtle to achieve, as there seems to be not many men that would allow me the pleasure as most think it either taboo or horrible, which doesn’t leave me in a very pleasant position in life as I feel I live to exist without an identity of who I am sexually.

    • I did leave out an important factor when smelling a mans socked feet, I only like to smell a guys socked feet when he is fully clothed. Whether in a business suit, jeans, work clothes, uniform or even sport gear. It would make me very uncomfortable to be in the presents of a man in the nude. I as well prefer to be dressed.

  9. I’m sorry but I couldn’t finish the test. For me as a pansexual trans woman this test was extremely unaffirming. The use of the term sex seems to want to define my sexuality in terms of what was assigned at birth rather than by gender identity. At times it also seemed like the use of sex and gender as terms were conflated. For my sexual orientation the distinction is less important, but even just the thought of being asked to consider my sexuality from the frame of what was assigned at birth rather than gender identity was off-putting and unaffirming. I imagine it would be similarly unaffirming for others who define their sexual orientation by gender identity rather than assigned at birth, but I can only speak from my own experiences.

    As someone who is pansexual, the focus on gender and sex as a binary in this test erases the lives and experiences of people to whom I could see myself attracted. I can be attracted to people who are genderqueer, androgynous, or identified as some gender other than the dominant gender binary paradigm but I cannot express this in this test, meaning this test cannot accurately affirm my sexuality. It only serves to shoehorn me into the dominant cisgender heteronormative narrative (I’m either straight or I’m not or I’m either/or, none of which is true for me).

    I would also have to echo concerns that gender identity and expression are included in this test as a category of sexuality when they are not, but asexual people are excluded when asexuality is a category of sexuality.

  10. I believe im Heteroflexible … But Im physically attracted to men but i kiss girls and watch lesbian porn ..and im scared to have sexual intercourse with men . What is that considered .

  11. Your test, while having guides, doesn’t seem to clarify on how to respond for trans-attractions. The argument seems to be that men attracted to trans-women are straight, but there’s no hard-and-fast lines in the transition; should questions about attraction towards the opposite sex be treated physiologically, genetically, or per gender identification? And would pre-op/post-op distinctions not make a difference?

  12. Absolute agreement with the asexuality thing. It’s so difficult getting anyone in real life to take my asexuality seriously because it’s never considered an option on any test/questionnaire like this one. There are people who are disinterested in sex (regardless of sexual history, sexual habits, presence of a sex drive, etc.). I did like this test and think that it is fairly insightful, but I had some difficulty answering some of the questions as an asexual.

    And I really think asexuality is important if you are considering same-sex attraction. Just because asexuals tend to not prefer sex doesn’t automatically mean that they don’t like romance. There are gay (homoromantic) asexuals (I actually know of a gay-male asexual couple: two men who are romantically attracted but have no sex drive or desire for sex), straight (heteroromantic) asexuals, and all else inbetween including aromantic asexuals (like myself).

    Yet at the same time, despite being an aromantic asexual, I can’t say I’m not totally disinterested in sex for the experience and have frequently felt sexual arousal (as a physical phenomenon – never directed towards anyone in real life or in fantasy). I also have noted that I am more drawn towards the same gender than I am towards the opposite gender (though I am still questioning whether it is platonic admiration, or something more).

    It’s such a broad range that by not including asexuality, you are really shutting out a huge chunk of people. Historically, I’ve answered “bisexual” when asked for my sexual orientation, because it’s the closest to what I identify as: generally equally attracted to both genders (that is to say, generally not attracted to either gender) – so consider that your “bisexual” population could very well include a significant subset of asexuals. And this doesn’t even include the large group of people that don’t identify as asexual, but have generally low sex drives or no sexual experiences of a certain type (same-sex, opposite-sex, threesome, etc.). It would also be very difficult for a virgin to answer these questions.

    Overall, though, I do think this quiz was very interesting and insightful. It does seem to capture most of the population well, and think that if asexuality were considered, that would only make this quiz even more interesting and better. I would definitely be interested in an update to this quiz!

  13. I’m bisexual and I’m proud of who I am so be proud of who you are. Everyone is different in many different ways 🙂

  14. At first I was afraid to tell my parents that I’m bisexual, then I decided to stand up and tell them.

  15. No option for asexual? Seriously? I had a real problem with the last part of the test because I have no sexual desire for either gender but romantically only show interest in men. There was zero option for me to say NEITHER gender is sexually attractive or gives me sexual pleasure. As a result, my test report was completely skewed towards heterosexual.. which I’m not and never have been.

    The questions were pretty insightful but forcing sex into it ruined the entire experience. Once again, asexuals don’t exist.

  16. This test was a country and a mile off for me. There was no option for asexuality. Which I am. But I am also pan-romantic. I don’t care what parts the person has “under the hood”. I would fall in love with or date whatever the person’s gender, but I won’t be having sex… or rather I wouldn’t be having sex often. It said I was Polyamous… uh no. *shivers* Not for me. I find it icky to have sex with just one person.

  17. Thank you so much for this test. It has helped me with my confusion a lot! For past two years I had been slowly accepting myself as gay even though I didn’t feel like it exclusively. Now I know the direction I should take in figuring out who I really am in order to effectively ‘label’ myself – the result seems to fit, and so do the explanations. Many thanks 🙂

  18. I found that this test did not take non-sexuality into account. I feel I am between “straight” and just completely not aroused by anyone. I think I prefer guys, but I only ever liked one guy and it took me three years to fall in love with him, whereas by that point people around me would have gone through multiple partners. With the sliders, there was no way to choose neither– it assumed you were equally split between both because you wanted to say yes to both, not no to both.

  19. This test is Fantabulishious (n)! To be fair and honest, i know i`m gay, but i love gay tests. i also love reassurance. Well done, Lad.

  20. Interesting quiz. It had me spot on as Polyamorous. Specifically, it said I was a “Ambisexual Flexamorous” person the most. I identify as Pansexual. Certainly learned some new terminology. Thanks for creating it. 🙂

  21. I’ve guess im the macho type then… That explains much

  22. I am still questioning and queer

  23. idk, i’m alot more gay than the test concluded

  24. This test was good 🙂 I might not be able to remember all the details but I think it gave 7/9 straight and 1/9 ambisexual which sounds about right.

    Btw sorry but I didn’t know what the definition for ‘bottom’ was. When the test asked me, I thought bottom means, in a heterosexual sense, that I allow the woman to be on top and I’m at the bottom penetrating her (position is called the cowgirl position) so I said I was more bottom in that sense. Maybe the test picked it up wrong from me and thought that I was being a homosexual bottom which is certainly not the case since I’ve never and will never be involved in gay activity…maybe that’s where the 1/9 ambisexual came from…I dunno.

    • Thanks for pointing out that some people might misunderstand some of the colloquial terms. People who take the test are coming from many different countries and backgrounds. But there is overlap in the questions to reduce the likelihood that a single unintended answer will skew a score.

  25. I’m gay boys!

  26. I think this is a very good test, and helps break away from the rigid gay-straight (occasionally bi) binary. However, I think some questions could do a better job of capturing sexual preference. For instance, the test asks questions about experience with different types of sexual behavior, but does not then gauge preference (e.g., it asks if one has ever had oral sex, a threesome, etc. and with which sexes – male, female, both – but it doesn’t capture what one might prefer). One may have engaged in a certain type of sexual activity with a man and a woman at different times in the past, but prefer one over the other. Perhaps it would be beneficial to do so on a sliding scale like the one that is used to measure interest in sex with men v women and masculinity v femininity toward the end of the test. Likewise, the survey measures experience fairly well, but not fantasy.

    It may be useful to account better for fantasies, desires and interest in gay v straight porn or erotica. One may have only engaged in sexual behavior with a member of the opposite sex, but fantasize more about the same sex.

    Lifestyle and romantic interests are likewise important to take into consideration.

    I think this is a good test as is, but a new and improved 2018 version is needed. And one that works on macs and iPhones. Any plans to modify this in the near future?

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